the spray solution for surface analysis


this is a free and open source and hardware project, providing all the information so that you may build your own device.

bill of material

you may decide to build your own spray by purchasing the part from the vendors and by getting the parts machined by a shop. the list below contains some of the items we used to build our spray with sources. depending on your country, you may decide on similar products with same functionality. additional to this list, you need all the custom mechanical parts, wiring and more…

version 2.2

Part Description Amount Unit Supplier Part Nr.
Silikonschlauch Silikonschlauch ID 2 mm AD 4 mm 0.6 m APSOparts AG 06.5205-2002
12V Buchse ​Fremdspannungsbuchse 2.5 mm 5.5 mm, MJ-15, No Brand, oder Mouser 163-4305-E 1 Stk. Distrelec 118689
Distanzhalter ​Nylon, 5mm, 3.2 mm ID 4 Stk. Distrelec 348325
Distanzhalter Platinen ​M3 Aussen-auf innengewinde, 10 mm 8 Stk. Distrelec 340422
Durchführungstülle ​Durchführungstülle, HV 1305, No Brand 1 Stk. Distrelec 500568
Lüfter Axiallüfter DC 50 x 50 x 10 mm 12 VDC 1 Stk. Distrelec 390934
microSDHC Card 8 GB 1 Stk. Distrelec 847003
Netzteil Netzgeräte 12 VDC/6.67 A 1 Stk. Distrelec 630056
Pi Cam HD Kamera Board Raspberry Pi 1 Stk. Distrelec 951515
Power Cable ev. ander 1 Stk. Distrelec
Raspberry Pi Mod B+ ​Raspberry Pi model B+, 512 MB HDMI 1.4/4x USB 2.0/10/100 Ethernet Broadcom BCM2835 700MHz ARM1176JZFS HDMI, USB, 10/100 RJ45, Raspberry Pi Mod B+, Raspberry Pi 1 Stk. Distrelec 193598
Schalter, blau ​3 A, 19 mm, 24 V LED (geht auch für 12 V) 1 Stk. Distrelec 222834
Spritzenmotor max.Schrittmotor 5 mm 1 A 1.8 ° 0.27 1 Stk. Distrelec 375170
USB A USB 2.0 Kabel 0.6 m USB Typ A-Stecker US 1 Stk. Distrelec 765695
USB Micro Micro USB 2.0 Kabel 0.5 m USB Typ A-Stec 1 Stk. Distrelec 765691
Zugfeder ZUGFEDER   0.5 X DE 4.5 X17.0 N 20, GANZE DEUTSCHE ÖSEN MATERIAL,1.4310 ROSTFREI 1 * 20   ST 6 Stk. Durvois
Anschluss Flüssigkeit Nut flangeless short, PEEK, 1/16″  incl. ferrule P-200 (pkg of 1) ACHTUNG, bestellen als XP-235X (X = 10 Stück) 3 Stk. Ercatech XP-235 oder XP-235X (10 Stk.)
Anschluss Luft an T Swivel Barb Adapter, 1/16″ (1.55 mm) ID Tubing ​ 1 Stk. Ercatech D-646
Kapillare Fused Silica Tubing, ID 150um, OD 360um, 2m 72 cm Ercatech FS-115
Spritze Syringe, Mod. 1001, TLL, 1mL
1 Stk. Ercatech 81320
Ventil 6-port selection valve 0.040, bulkhead, incl. fittings 1 Stk. Ercatech V-241
Spindellineareinheit ​SET-25-AWM-F-75 1 Stk. IGUS Schweiz SET-25-AWM-F-75
Rambo ​RAMBO v1.2 3D printer controller board 1 Stk. Moko
Buchsengehäuse 2-polig 1 Stk. Mouser 538-50-57-9402
Buchsengehäuse 3-polig 6 Stk. Mouser 538-50-57-9403
Buchsengehäuse 4-polig 5 Stk. Mouser 538-50-57-9404
Crimp-Kontakte 39 Stk. Mouser 538-16-02-0104
Lichtschranke OPTO SENSOR 5MM SLOT CLOSE MNT 1 5 Stk. Mouser 653-EE-SX673
Gummifüsse Gummifüsse 20 x 6 mm 4 Stk. Reichelt GF 62-6
Kabelschelle Befestigungsclip 6.3 mm 2 Stk. Reichelt KAB-SCHELLE 6H
WiFi Edimax ew-7811un 1 Stk. Reichelt EDIMAX EW-7811UN
3.2mm Schottverbindung KQ2E23-00NJ​ 1 Stk. SMC
3-Wege-Magnetventil VK332-6DOS-M5-Q​
1 Stk. SMC 1090257
6mm Schottverbindung KQ2E06-00N​ 1 Stk. SMC
DIN-Stecker K31​
1 Stk. SMC 69830
Druckregelventil ARM10F1-06G-1​
1 Stk. SMC 515757
Mutter für Schalttafeleinbau 136133​​ 1 Stk. SMC 214208
Schalldämpfer Sinterfilter aus Metall 1 Stk. SMC AN120-M5
Steckverbinder 4-3.2 KQ2H23-04A​ 1 Stk. SMC
Steckverbinder 6-4 KQ2R04-06A​ 1 Stk. SMC
Steckverschraubung 5mm KQ2S04-M5N​
2 Stk. SMC
Flexible Kupplung 10 auf 5 mm 1 Stk.
Flexible Kupplung 6.4 auf 5 mm​ 1 Stk.
Schrittmotor STEPPER MOTOR NEMA 17 52NCM 4 Stk. SwissRepRap 100117
20 ml Probenaufbewahrungsvial ​​​Braunglas, Deckel Weiss, VE 100 5 Stk. VWR INFCG075W-27/057-D
Luer Adapter Female luer to 1/4″-28 flat, PEEK 1 Stk. VWR P-658
Luf-Schlauch-Adapter PTFE tubing, natural, 1/8″x1.58mm (3m) 6 cm VWR JR-T-6800-M3
Mantel Kapillare FEP tubing sleeve, green, 1/16″x0.39mm (pkg of 1) 1 Stk. VWR F-262
Schlauch für Flüssigkeit PTFE tubing, natural, 1/16″x0.50mm (3m) 150 cm VWR JR-T-4183-M3 / 554-1065
Stahlrohr Tubing, stainless steel, 1/16″x0.75mm, length 50mm 1 Stk. VWR JR-T-97095
T-Stück 1/16″ Tee, 1/4″-28, 0.8mm bore, PEEK, body only 1 Stk. VWR JR-6032
Schrauben 1 Set Wegertseder

Please note. This list is not complete nor accurate. As the design evolves, different parts might be required.